Friday 11 January 2013

Katherine Webb to pose in SI

Did Katherine Webb spill a secret by tweeting that she was going to pose for Sports Illustrated?
Thursday night she tweeted this: "It's official...shooting with Sports Illustrated!"
But the tweet didn't stay up very long before she, or someone else, pulled it. But the cat was out of the bag as people scurried to retweet it.
She's going to be in the annual swimsuit issue, people wildly speculated and bloggers reported. But we're skeptical. Here's why: The photos have already been shot for the issue that reportedly comes out on Feb. 12.
In fact, speculation is already out there that model Hannah Davis, currently dating New York Yankee Derek Jeter, is being considered for the issue's cover. According to the New York Post, the 22-year-old beauty from the Virgin Islands made a "rare, huge" first impression on SI producers during her shoot.

Read more here:

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