Friday 11 January 2013

Google forced changes

Google is abusing its dominant place in the search market, according to Europe's antitrust chief Joaquin Almunia.

In an interview with the Financial Times of London, Google could be forced to change the way that it provides and displays search results or face antitrust charges for "diverting traffic," in the words of Almunia, referring to Google's self-serving treatment to its own search services.
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Google must change search business practices after FTC decision

Google must change search business practices after FTC decision

The FTC has issued a number of decisions in its complex investigation of Google, ranging from changes to search business practices to licensing Motorola-owned patents.

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Despite the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's move earlier this month to let off Google with a slap on the wrist -- albiet, a change to its business practices, a move that financially wouldn't dent Google in the short term but something any company would seek to avoid -- the European Commission is looking to take a somewhat different approach: take its time, and then hit the company hard.

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