Saturday 2 November 2013

Honduras death squads

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) — In a capital accustomed to daily bloodshed, the man in charge of law enforcement is as feared. In a capital accustomed to daily bloodshed, the man in charge of law enforcement is as feared as the criminals. Few dare speak his name above a whisper. The history of Honduras is full of actions contrary to the rule of law. Multiple coups (the last on June 28, 2009), who have broken the precarious legality.
  1. 2013-11-02T07:37:59Z AP Exclusive: Honduras chief denies death squads ...
  2. Honduras Death Squads
  3. they were found dead on the outskirts of the Tegucigalpa, Honduras ...
  4. Correction: Honduras-Death Squads story

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